Baby’s first straw cup: Our award winning sippy cup is the only straw cup you need for babies 6 months to toddlers – day and night. Kids can operate on their own. Easy grip handles and simple flip top lid.
Drink from any angle: Features our unique weighted straw that stays in the liquid whatever angle the cup is held, so kids can drink standing, sitting or laying down. Great transition from baby bottle to cup, with volume markings on the side so you know how much baby is drinking.
Leakproof: Our unique two way valve ensures easy drinking and no leaks or spills, even when the cup is on its side. And flip top lid clicks into place for on the go.
Easy to clean: Minimal parts for easy and more hygienic cleaning. Dishwasher and sterilizer safe. Replacement straws and cleaning brush set available separately.
Glas með röri-Blueberry
2990 kr.
- Fyrir 6m+
- Þynging er á endanum á rörinu sem færist eftir því hvernig glasið snýr
- Lok sem auðvelt er að opna
- Má setja í uppþvottavél
- Má EKKI setja í örbylgjuofn
- Glasið er úr PP og sílíkoni, og stál í þyngingunni.
- 240ml
- Laus við öll BPA, Phthalates og PVC
- Glasið hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna
Á lager
Tengdar vörur
2890 kr.
2290 kr.
2990 kr.
2290 kr.
2890 kr.
2990 kr.
1490 kr.
2290 kr.